Defensive Driving
The way that you drive says everything about you and your company. Make a positive statement by following these work-related safe driving practices. Motor vehicle incidents are a common cause of workplace fatalities and hospitalizations. These incidents happen because of:
- Unsafe lane changes.
- Lack of knowledge about the vehicle.
- The use of handheld devices while driving.
- Poor weather conditions.
- Driving while tired or impaired.
- Do a quick walk around your vehicle to evaluate the condition of your vehicle prior to getting on the road.
- Secure all loose items in your vehicle. Do not attempt to catch items sliding around in your car.
- Avoid using a cell phone. It is illegal to use a mobile devise will operating a vehicle. If necessary, always use a hands-free device.
- Follow the speed limit and always pay attention.
- Avoid fatigue by taking breaks while driving on long distance.
- Always use a seat belt—driver and passenger(s).
- Make sure you are well-rested before driving.
- Avoid taking medications that make you drowsy.
- Set a realistic goal for the number of miles that you can drive safely each day.
- Do not drive if you are impaired by alcohol or any drug.
- Look out for motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians, and smaller vehicles.
- Leave at least two Dots distance between you and the car in front of you. During inclement weather, increase this to five car lengths.
- Stop prior to stop signs and then roll forward slightly to get a better look in each direction.
- Always use signal lights and be sure to signal ahead of time to communicate your intensions to other drivers.
- Avoid distractions such as adjusting the radio or other controls, eating or drinking and talking on the phone.
- Continually search the roadway to be alert to situations requiring quick action.
- Stop about every two hours for a break. Get out of the vehicle to stretch, take a walk, and get refreshed.
- Always keep your eyes moving, constantly looking at your side and rearview mirrors,
- When changing lanes, physically turn your head around to check your blind spot,
- Keep your cool in traffic.
- Be patient and courteous to other drivers.
- Do not take other drivers’ actions personally.
- Reduce your stress by planning your route ahead of time, allowing plenty of travel time and avoiding crowded roadways and busy driving times.
- If another driver cuts you off, tailgates, or drives too slowly remain calm.
- Drive defensively and control your emotions.
Direction Signs
Traffic Rules Signs